
Welcome to the Stonehill College Policies and Procedures online manual. This site contains the official policies and procedures of the College.

New Policy Numbers and New Format for Procedures

The Stonehill College policies have undergone a renumbering process. All policies have been reclassified and renumbered. The old numbering system is referenced on policies that existed before the renumbering process for reference and convenience. Also, policies containing procedures have been separated into policy and procedural documents. Policies deemed to be “procedural only” in nature have been deleted and moved to the Procedures section or links to existing procedures found on the College’s main website have been provided.

Additional updates can be expected in the coming months!

Donahue Hall

Policy Change Announcements:

  • 2301 Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Promoting Objectivity in Research – added 2/6/25
  • 3210 Institutional Compliance with NCAA Regulations – added 2/6/25